Meet Julie
Learn about Julie and how she flipped this North Texas House seat.
Raised by Generations of Teachers to Appreciate the Role of a Great Education:
As the daughter and granddaughter of public school teachers, my sisters and I were raised to appreciate education's transformative role in our lives. Growing up, our family followed Dad’s job teaching music wherever it took us, from Auburn, Alabama, to Houston, Texas. But, when it was time for me to make my own life choices, I settled in Texas as quickly as possible!
Back then, taking out a student loan wasn’t as scary as it is today. I paid for my education with Pell Grants and multiple student loans. The financial assistance I received in my early years was vital to my professional success. I attended the University of Texas at Austin (Hook Em’) and later received my law degree from the University of Houston Law Center.

Wife, Mother, Traveler:
My wife, Susan Moster, is a practicing Gastroenterologist in Fort Worth. Our son, Nicholas (right), is a recent graduate of the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and Ben (left) currently attends Oklahoma State University. No matter how busy life gets, we always make time for the next adventure together because family comes first.
I am an active member of the Human Rights Campaign and serve on the board of directors for the Dallas Symphony Orchestra. Sue is a published author of historical fiction.
Getting for Justice for Texans; from the Courts to the Legislature:
As an attorney, I’m committed to defending those who have been kicked around and pushed aside. After graduating from law school, I was faced with my first harsh reality check about getting justice — women still weren’t being hired to litigate cases in Texas courtrooms. However, I couldn’t accept that the sum of my professional career would be playing the support role to my male counterparts, and I fought my way into the courtroom.
Since 1991, I’ve defended workers who were unfairly fired. I’ve helped students who were taken advantage of by for-profit universities. I fought for equality by ensuring high school female athletes received the same treatment as male athletes. And I’ve been awarded D Magazine’s “Best Lawyers In Dallas” distinction three times.
As a small business owner, I’ve always been responsible for my employees' growth and financial well-being. I’ve had to make payroll, pay taxes, and provide benefits. I understand the difficult choices that go into making the bottom line. Building a business requires both personal strength and steadfast dedication. Small business owners and entrepreneurs should never be underestimated or held back by the government.
As a Legislator, I’ve gone toe-to-toe with the crooked and powerful because when Texans are on the line, I never back down. In 2018, I ran to unseat the author of the now famous Texas Bathroom Bill as a proud LGBTQ Texan… and won by double digits. I was then named “Freshman of the Year” by Texas Monthly.
During my first two terms, I focused on legislation that advocates for consumer protection and increased healthcare access. I led a bipartisanship effort in the House to reduce the rate of uninsured Texans and provide relief for uncompensated care through the Live Well Texas Program along with State Senator Nathan Johnson.
House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Article II Subcommittee
Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Women's Health Caucus - Vice Chair
House LGBTQ Caucus - Treasurer
Early Childhood Caucus - Secretary
House Democratic Caucus - Member
Legislative Study Group - Member
Sportsmen's Caucus - Member
Fine Arts Caucus - Member